Common uses

This is how our customers use it. You can use it in many ways, be creative!

Payment links

This is the best way to use it, it's quick to use and allows for a personalized experience for the buyer. The link can be used without limits or according to your rules.

📝 Do not make purchases, real charges will be incurred.

Copy this code and open it in your browser or send it via WhatsApp, Messenger, or your favorite messaging app:

Widget Pop-Up

Centrar contenido con CSS

Click on the image or 'Buy Now' to see how it works. This is an example for use on your website or blog. It's easy and allows for purchasing without leaving the current page.

📝 Do not make purchases, real charges will be incurred.

Pop-up widget code generated by the app:

<div><a class="”plugnpaid-1x5ygslh-“"></a><script src="”“"></script></div>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Centrar contenido con CSS</title>
.center {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100vh; /* Esto es opcional para centrar verticalmente */
<div class="”center”">
<a class="”plugnpaid-1x5ygslh-“"></a>
<script src=”“></script>

Botón Pop-Up

Centrar contenido con CSS

Click on the 'Buy Now' button to see how it works. This is an example for use on your website or blog. It's easy and allows for purchasing without leaving the current page.

📝 Do not make purchases, real charges will be incurred.

Pop-up button code generated by the app:

<div><a class="”plugnpaid-ldk51aphj”"></a><script src="””"></script></div>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Centrar contenido con CSS</title>
.center {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100vh; /* Esto es opcional para centrar verticalmente */
<div class="”center”">
<a class="”plugnpaid-ldk51aphj”"></a>
<script src=””></script>

QR Code

Scan the code with your smartphone. This is an example for in-person use. It's easy to use and provides a more personal experience.

📝 Do not make purchases, real charges will be incurred.